Our Services

How We Serve

Turning Complexity Into Clarity

We recognize that stewarding your family’s wealth and legacy can be intricate and overwhelming. Nolet Wealth acts as your guide, simplifying the complexities inherent in managing substantial assets.

Whether it’s sophisticated investment structures, tax optimization, or multi-generational planning, our team focuses on distilling complexity into actionable insights.

Public Markets Investment Management

Central management of your public markets portfolio, implementing an approach that is cost-efficient and thoughtfully allocated based on your tailored investment policy

Private Markets Investment Management

Dedicated focus from our team to identify, review, and recommend private funds and direct investment opportunities across all asset classes as applicable to your tailored investment policy

Centralized Performance Reporting

24/7 online portal providing up-to-date balance and performance data across your entire balance sheet

Cash Flow Analysis And Liquidity Management​

A complete build-out of your forward-looking cash flow forecast, enhancing visibility and planning for capital outlays and goals

Third-Party Service Provider Oversight

Our team can serve as a central intermediary for you with specialized service providers, streamlining workflows and generating cost and time savings.

Philanthropic Structuring

Efficient and effective strategies to optimize philanthropic giving and provide the right level of exposure or anonymity to your family